How Canvas Modules Work

Module ElementsExplanation of Elements
IntroductionWrite a paragraph or two introducing the module and the main themes for the week/module.  You can also do a video.
Learning OutcomesWrite measurable outcomes that align with the content and the assessments of the course.
ReadingsList the readings, specific pages, and other material students will need through the module.  For videos and other presentations, you can just add them in the pages where they go – you don’t need to list those here.
PagesEach page contains topic specific content: Narrative explanationsLecture material including video and images with explanation and introductions.Interactive educational assetsPowerPointsAny other pertinent material such as PDFs
Discussion  *Give explicit instructions for any and all details the student will need to complete the discussion including word count, any research and references if required, media if any required (video or audio), quantity and quality of reply posts.
Assignment  *Give explicit instructions for any and all details the student will need to complete the assignment including how to upload, what files or media will be accepted, length of assignment, required research if any, APA, MLA or other formatting, page or word count, etc.
Quiz  *Give explanation of what type of quiz/exam this will be, what materials if any are needed before and during the test, if there is a time limit on the test.

Course Module Template Instructions

Course Module Template Example

Blank Module Template

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