Course Calendar

The Course Calendar is key for your students. The calendar lays out all the assignments for each module, tells them when things are due and how many points the assignments are worth. 

Keeping this one master document is an easy resource for students to go to and know when assignments are due, what the course workload looks like from module to module, and can help them to organize their time. 

For faculty – it saves an enormous amount of time by not having to go into each module, each assignment and change dates from term to term.  It also allows you to get a birds eye view of your course – you can see where you are having students spend their time, how you are having students spend their time, and which assignments you are prioritizing.

​Guides and Tutorials

How do I use the Calendar (from Instructure Canvas Community

Calendar Overview from Instructure Canvas Community

314 – Calendar Overview from Instructure Canvas Community on Vimeo.

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